Search Results: Lecture

Event Public Program

Joan Jonas
Light Time Tales

22 January 2015 – 9.00pm

Joan Jonas: Performing the Difference

Event Public Program

Chen Zhen

From April 1 to April 29

Eternal Misunderstanding

Schools and contemporary art: new forms of participatory planning

Event Public Program

Leonor Antunes
the last days in Galliate

10 January 2019 – 7.30pm

Is architecture a craftmanship?

Event Public Program

Giorgio Andreotta Calò

30 May 2019 – 7.30pm

Becoming Geological: A Descent into Matter

Event Public Program

Daniel Steegmann Mangrané
A Leaf-Shaped Animal Draws The Hand

22 November 2019 – 5.00pm

Foreste Plurali

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Michele De Lucchi | Is architecture a craftsmanship?

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Riccardo Venturi | Becoming Geological: a descent into Matter

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Giovanna Zapperi | Joan Jonas: Performing the difference

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