Watch Bubbles Joseph Grima | On Space Time Foam: a conversation ConversationJoseph GrimaOn Space Time FoamPublic Program | Tomás ...Tomás SaracenoVideo
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Watch Bubbles Activation of the artwork Jue Chang, Dancing Body-Drumming Mind (The Last Song) Chen ZhenPerformanceShort-circuitsVideo
Watch Bubbles Interview with Barbara Ferriani and Marina Pugliese Ambienti/EnvironmentsBarbara FerrianiInterviewMarina PuglieseVideo
Watch Bubbles Barbara Mazzolai | From Nature to Nature Anicka YiMetasporePublic Program | Anicka ...Sensory EcologiesSymposiumVideo
Watch Bubbles Elena Valussi | The concept of the body in Daoism and Chinese medicine in dialogue with the art of Chen Zhen Chen ZhenElena ValussiLecturePublic Program | Chen Zh...Short-circuitsVideo