Watch Bubbles Alvin Lucier | A concert Alvin LucierConcertJoão Maria Gusmão &...PapagaioPublic Program | João M...Video
Watch Bubbles part wild horses mane on both sides | Sound performance PerformancePetrit HalilajPublic Program | Petrit ...Space Shuttle in the Gar...Video
Watch Bubbles Matt Mullican | Performance under hypnosis Matt MullicanPerformancePublic Program | Matt Mu...The Feeling of ThingsVideo
Watch Bubbles A live evening with Christof Migone and Mark Fell Christof MigoneCildo MeirelesInstallationsMark FellPerformancePublic Program | Cildo M...Video
Read Bubbles Videos subtitles | Saodat Ismailova A Seed Under Our TongueExhibition guideNari WardSaodat Ismailova