On Vibration and Resonance–The Hive

Conceived and designed by the artist Tarek Atoui

Areas of focus:

  • Art and image
  • Music


During the visit to the exhibition, children will be guided in discovering the works of artist Tarek Atoui (Beirut, Lebanon, 1980), who explores sound and its perception by combining the use of computers and synthesizers with natural elements such as water, air, stone, and wood to create instruments with innovative musical and visual qualities.

Participants will be invited to explore the exhibition space, which the artist has transformed into a place of discovery, constantly evolving and changing, investigating the relationship with sound in various ways. This experience will not only be acoustic but also multisensory.

During the workshop activity, participants will be introduced to the concept of vibration, which propagates through air and other materials. The activity invites them to pay attention to the sounds of everyday objects and focus on their unexpected acoustic qualities. By combining percussion instruments with motorized and vibrating objects, the workshop explores the many possibilities of playing an instrument in unusual and creative ways, using simple everyday objects and natural elements, with imagination and fantasy. The artist asks: “How can we create and manipulate a sound object? How can we build a soundscape that interacts with the surrounding space and environment?”

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