Let’s invent your machine! (upper)
"Jean Tinguely"
Focus areas
- Science
- Art and Image
During the guided tour of the exhibition, the children will find out about the mechanical works of the renowned kinetic artist Jean Tinguely (Fribourg 1925-1991 Bern). His creations are made not just of wheels, belts, electric motors, and mechanical parts, for they also include soft toys, animal bones, discarded objects, found materials, and scrap—and more besides. The exhibition shows how Tinguely focused on the movements and sounds of the machines that he built, transforming each one into a surprising whimsical creation with no particular function—and yet always full of fun and humour.
During the workshop activity, the children will work in pairs to create their own automata. Together, they will design and build gear systems, using wheels and drive shafts, bringing their characters and imagined stories to life through movement.
Other Primary School proposals
Let’s Light Ourselves Up! (lower)
"Jean Tinguely"
Every Body In Motion (lower)
"Jean Tinguely"
Stellar Myths
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
A Great Multi-Material Picture
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
Numbers on Towers!
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
Chasing a Star
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
We Are History
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
The Towers Tell a Story
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
Useful Information
Thursday and Friday from 9 AM to 11 AM and from 11.30 AM to 1.30 PM
A maximum of two classes (about 27 kids per class) can book for any one time slot.
It is essential to book by e-mail. Bookings are effective when confirmation by e-mail has been received from the School Staff.
For info and bookings, please write to hbschool@hangarbicocca.org