How to Create Fantastical Creatures (final year)

"Chiamare a raduno. Sorelle. Falene e fiammelle. Ossa di leonesse, pietre e serpentesse" by Chiara Camoni

Focus areas
• Knowledge of the world
• Images, sounds, colours
• Languages, creativity, expression
• The body and movement


When faced with the task of bringing her works together inside the Shed at Pirelli HangarBicocca, Chiara Camoni drew inspiration from the geometries and natural and architectural elements typically found in Italian gardens. As we wend our way through the sculptural groups, which are bathed in natural light, we become aware of the artist’s relationship with the natural world and its ties with everyday objects such as cups, vases, plates, and so on. In many cases, her works evoke hybrid beings created by the fusion of animals and objects, recalling the illustrations found in medieval bestiaries. Using natural elements such as clay, flowers, wild herbs, and ash, she creates constantly evolving forms that give rise to novel and distinctive landscapes that are waiting to be discovered.

After exploring the various areas of the exhibition and carefully examining the works of art on display, the children will find out how the artist attuned herself to the rhythms of the natural world. They will also learn how, by using materials readily available in her surroundings, she fashioned extraordinary creatures and fantastical objects that evoke a sense of awe in the beholder.

During the workshop session, the children will draw inspiration from the works on show and play a game that will help them find out about animals both great and small. With the help of the Pirelli HangarBicocca arts tutors, they will then create fun new creatures of their own. Through this hands-on experience, they will see how different combinations of the same elements can bring to life all sorts of magical transformations.

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