Listen Bubbles BJ Nilsen | Vicissitude (Milan) BJ NilsenCITTÀDIMILANOGiorgio Andreotta CalòPublic Program | Giorgio...
Watch Bubbles Lucia Pietroiusti | Nel sottobosco del sottobosco A Leaf-Shaped Animal Dra...Daniel Steegmann Mangran...LectureLucia PietroiustiPublic Program | Daniel ...SymposiumVideo
Read Bubbles Catalogue extract, text by Marco Scotini | Chen Zhen CatalogueChen ZhenMarco ScotiniShort-circuits
Watch Bubbles Fara Fara Music Festival | Second night Carsten HöllerDoubtFestivalPublic Program | Carsten...Video
Watch Bubbles Interview with Cristina Iglesias Cristina IglesiasDouble Bind & AroundInterviewJuan MuñozVideo
Watch Bubbles Coby Sey w/ Leisha Thomas and Momoko Gill | Live concert Milano Re-MappedSummer FestivalVideo
Watch Bubbles Drumming—Grupo de Percussão | Against Method FestivalMark FellPerformancePublic Program | Sheela ...RemainsSheela Gowda