Watch Bubbles Alvin Lucier | A concert Alvin LucierConcertJoão Maria Gusmão &...PapagaioPublic Program | João M...Video
Watch Bubbles Thao Nguyen Phan in conversation with Jaap Guldemond ConversationPublic Program | Thao Ng...Reincarnations of ShadowsThao Nguyen Phan
Watch Bubbles Lucia Pietroiusti | Nel sottobosco del sottobosco A Leaf-Shaped Animal Dra...Daniel Steegmann Mangran...LectureLucia PietroiustiPublic Program | Daniel ...SymposiumVideo
Watch Bubbles Rian Treanor feat. Jan Hendrickse | Against Method FestivalMark FellPerformancePublic Program | Sheela ...RemainsSheela GowdaVideo
Watch Bubbles Virginia Genta | Improvisation for Amplified Sopranino Sax Milano Re-MappedSummer FestivalVideo
Read Bubbles Catalogue extract, script by Eva Kot’átková | Eva Kot’átková CatalogueEva Kot’átkováThe Dream Machine is Asl...