Watch Bubbles Trisha Baga | There’s no “I” in Trisha, season 3 Public Program | Trisha ...Sitcomthe eye the eye and the ...Trisha BagaVideo
Read Bubbles Catalogue entries In Pursuit of and Tree Line | Sheela Gowda CatalogueRemainsSheela Gowda
Watch Bubbles Muna Mussie | Choral study for singular movements pt 1 Milano Re-MappedSummer FestivalVideo
Watch Bubbles Leonor Antunes, Briony Fer and Roberta Tenconi | A conversation Briony FerConversationPublic Program | Leonor ...Roberta TenconiVideo
Watch Bubbles Q&A | On Space Time Foam: a conversation Andrea LissoniConversationOn Space Time FoamTomás SaracenoVideo
Read Bubbles Exhibition guide | Saodat Ismailova A Seed Under Our TongueExhibition guideNari WardSaodat Ismailova