Watch Bubbles Giorgio Andreotta Calò and Barbara Casavecchia | Traces of navigation Barbara CasavecchiaCITTÀDIMILANOConversationGiorgio Andreotta CalòPublic Program | Giorgio...Video
Watch Bubbles Conversation between Meredith Monk and Andrea Lissoni Bruce NaumanConferenceConversationNeons Corridors RoomsPublic Program | Bruce N...
Watch Bubbles Catherine Christer Hennix | Three Monochromatisms (Composition for Computer) Ambienti/EnvironmentsCatherine Christer HennixLucio FontanaPublic Program | Lucio F...Video
Connect Bubbles Radio GAMeC | Dineo Seshee Bopape AudioBorn in the first light ...Dineo Seshee BopapeInterview