Search Results: Short-circuits

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Marcello Ghilardi | Other spaces, other times. Forms of aesthetics between Europe and China

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Elena Valussi | The concept of the body in Daoism and Chinese medicine in dialogue with the art of Chen Zhen

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Davide Quadrio and Wang Xin | Spirituality (and its Misunderstandings) as Cosmotechnics

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Franziska Koch and Davide Quadrio | Group exhibitions mediating contemporary art from China in the post-Mao era

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Davide Quadrio and Mia Yu | Engaging ‘Global China’: Then and Now

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Special guided tour with Hou Hanru and Marco Scotini | Chen Zhen

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Event Public Program

Bruce Nauman
Neons Corridors Rooms

10 November 2022 – 7.00pm

In Nauman’s Labyrinths. A Walk through the Exhibition with Stefano Bartezzaghi

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