One, No One, a Hundred Thousand
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
In The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015, Anselm Kiefer uses several objects imbued with a value that goes beyond what they represent: the tower, the book, the ship and numbered glass shards. The latter help us discover the star, the recurrent element in our daily life, geographical and political history, and – above all – religions. We will see how a seemingly commonplace image can hold countless meanings that are universal and subjective, immediate and hidden, shared and personal. We will learn that each object can invoke an invisible world that goes beyond its mere representation: form and content, significant and significance, do not always coincide. The symbol is something different from what it appears to be, the visible part of that which is not present.
Focus Areas
• History
• Italian
• Religion
• History of Art
Educational Objectives
The young people will be asked to reflect on the multiplicity of senses that an image contains, learning to go beyond appearance to glean the true value that is concealed behind forms. They will understand the difference between sign and symbol, and the fact that, at times, they can be universal and shared by all, whereas at other times they are strictly subjective.
Starting with the recognition and interpretation of the symbols in The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015, they will ponder the broader concept of symbols and the contexts in which they are used. Therefore, starting from the assumption that any daily object can remain such, but can also acquire a myriad of meanings, the young people will be asked to choose an object, form, fruit or word that best represents them, to which they will attribute a content and meaning that will make them their own personal symbol, on a strictly subjective level.
Other Middle School proposals
A mural of words
"eL Seed"
“On Vibration and Resonance – The Hive” and “Drops and Bubbles – The Rain”
Conceived and designed by the artist Tarek Atoui
Once upon a time there was a factory
History of Pirelli HangarBicocca
We Are History
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
The Towers Tell a Story
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
Stellar Myths
“The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015” by Anselm Kiefer
Useful Information
Thursday and Friday from 9 AM to 11 AM and from 11.30 AM to 1.30 PM
A maximum of two classes (about 27 kids per class) can book for any one time slot.
It is essential to book by e-mail. Bookings are effective when confirmation by e-mail has been received from the School Staff.
For info and bookings, please write to