Giorgio Andreotta Calò | Città di Milano, 2020


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Contact print on Baritata Ilford FB1K paper
40.5 x 30 cm

Edition of 20 signed and numbered copies + 4 A.P.

Created for his solo exhibition at Pirelli HangarBicocca, the limited edition Città di Milano by Giorgio Andreotta Calò has its origins in the process of making the work Città di Milano (2019). The latter was a majestic, analogic pin-hole print realized by the artist by transforming the thirty-first floor of the Pirelli Tower into a gigantic camera obscura, in which the negative image of the city was impressed directly onto photographic paper. Starting from one of the test prints made in the camera obscura, the limited edition is the result of the transposition of the photographic print from negative to positive by means of a process of inversion by direct contact. Andreotta Calò uses this method to further overturn the image and our vision between the sky and the volume of the buildings, which come together and merge on the horizon. This expands the boundary between what lays in the depths and what emerges, making it even more ambiguous. The limited edition is part of a long-term research project that the artist has been carrying out on light and on the way it generates images, new environments, and possible scenarios.