
2024 edition curated by DOPO? and Milano Mediterranea

Milano Re-Mapped Summer Festival is an interdisciplinary festival of Pirelli HangarBicocca organized with the involvement of independent cultural collectives based in Milan, and dedicated to contemporary languages: performing arts, dance, music, poetry, and video.
The two evenings of the third edition, July 10 and 11, are curated by two independent cultural and artistic Milanese centers, DOPO? and Milano Mediterranea.

DOPO? and Milano Mediterranea are two cultural organizations rooted in the territory and dedicated to creative research focused on inclusion, participation, and collective reflection on contemporaneity. The two teams were selected by Pirelli HangarBicocca for their cultural role, expressed through the research on contemporary languages, the activation of relationships with communities, and the promotion of shared practices.

For the third edition of Milano Re-Mapped Summer Festival, they present a rich, diffuse program of performances, choreographies, collective works, readings, screenings, live concerts, and DJ sets, featuring local and international artists who experiment with the languages of the body, sound, gesture and poetry. Their work includes a critical reflection on the connections between social issues, artistic work and urban spaces, the relationship between dominant cultures and marginal communities, the possibility of bringing forth new perspectives and new spaces of expression through the encounter between different cultures, geographies, and artistic practices.

The festival is an expression of the Milano Re-Mapped research project, carried out by Pirelli HangarBicocca together with the University of Milano-Bicocca and with the support of Fondazione Cariplo, curated by Giovanna Amadasi and Marianna D’Ovidio.

The festival aims to enhance organizations capable of connecting different artists, languages, places, and audiences, exploring new circuits and modes of artistic and cultural fruition.


Free admission. Reservations are recommended and guarantee immediate access. Gates open at 7.00 PM.

Pirelli HangarBicocca Members have guaranteed access without a reservation by presenting their Membership Card at the entrance.

Media partner: Zero.


Event Special Projects

JULY 10-11, FROM 7.30 PM TILL 12.30 AM


10 July 7.30 PM – 00.30 AM
Program curated by DOPO?



7.30 PM: Claudio Larena | Calcinacci
Performance – part 1

8.10 PM: Murmur | Readings
Collective lecture performance

8.30 PM: Camilla Montesi | Caronte
Contemporary dance solo

9.10 PM: Murmur | Readings
With Allison Grimaldi Donahue and Beatrice Zito

9.50 PM: Katerina Andreou | Mourn Baby Mourn
Visual and sound choreography

10.40 PM: Claudio Larena | Calcinacci
Performance – part 2

11.00 PM: Slipmode | DJ set
With Silv-o and ninafterdark

7.30 – 11 PM: Video projection in the lab curated by Murmur
Ben Fama, Kyle Dacuyan, Allison Grimaldi Donahue | My Phone the ultimate performative tool: poetry in three acts (25’ - loop)
Beatrice Zito | Il buio è dolce (7’30’’ - loop)

11 July 7.30 PM – 00.30 AM
Program curated by Milano Mediterranea


7.30 - 11.00 PM: Soukaina Abrour & Serpica Naro | This is not the End. It’s the beginning of new life. Never Forget Never Forgive.
Sewing-based collective creation workshop

7.30 PM: Seifeddine Manai | M.A.K.T.O.U.B
SOLO physical dance theater PERFORMANCE

8.30 PM: Ismael Condoii & Noura Tafeche | Mijwiz-Siku-Siku-Mijwiz
Narrative-sound performance

9.45 PM: Bassam Abou Diab | Eternal
Participatory dance performance

11.00 PM: Ghoula | Live set
Live set with dance performance


The curatorial framework is intimately linked to the generative tension that gave birth to DOPO?: a critical questioning of the "permanent structural instability" of lives that is increasingly amplified - and normalized - in settings dominated by neoliberal policies. Within this condition, work plays a crucial role, no longer understood as a social role, but as a form of occupation of bodies and lives.
Through interventions that alternate between movement-based actions and spoken word performances, the program navigates through this issue, interpreting it in different, complementary, sometimes even opposing forms and nuances: anxiety about the future, pain and care (both individual and collective), acceptance and adaptation as opposed to desire.

[Texts curated by DOPO?]


«May this new decade be remembered as the decade of the strange path, of the third way, of the broken binary, of the traversal disruption, the kairotic moment, the posthuman movement for emancipation, the gift of disorientation that opened up new places of power, and of slow limbs.
May this decade bring more than just solutions, more than just a future - may it bring words we don't know yet, and temporalities we have not yet inhabited. May we be slower than speed could calculate, and swifter than the pull of the gravity of words can incarcerate. And may we be visited so thoroughly, and met in wild places so overwhelmingly, that we are left undone. Ready for composting. Ready for the impossible. Welcome to the decade of the fugitive».
Bayo Akomolafe

On the second day of the Milano Re-Mapped Summer Festival, Milano Mediterranea proposes an artistic journey between non-linear time dimensions and unprecedented geographies: a «strange path», in the words of the thinker Bayo Akomolafe, traced to usher in a new time. A time that exposes the fiction of the race for progress. A time that opens up inaccessible routes, where a «post-human movement for emancipation» becomes possible.
A time that is embodied in the works presented, where the artistic practices of women artists from the Milanese underground cultural production, such as Soukaina Abrour in collaboration with the activist seamstress collective formed by Serpica Naro, Noura Tafeche and Ismael Condoii, are sewn up into a single fabric, in dialogue with some of the leading artists of contemporary cultural production living in the diaspora, from Lebanon to Tunisia, including Bassam Abou Diab, Seifeddine Manai and Wael Jegham aka "Ghoula". A journey that will alternate lecture performances, group listening activities, collective works that will be stitched together over the course of the evening, choreography and music, stitching together a tapestry that reveals a design of subtle rupture, poised between resistance and vision, disorientation and grounding, where thoughts go «faster than the gravitational force of words can imprison».
A time when we build tools to equip ourselves for the impossible to come.
«Welcome to the decade of the fugitive».

[Texts curated by Milano Mediterranea]

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