Watch Bubbles Interview with Cristina Iglesias Cristina IglesiasDouble Bind & AroundInterviewJuan MuñozVideo
Read Bubbles Exhibition guide | Dineo Seshee Bopape Born in the first light ...Dineo Seshee BopapeExhibition guide
Watch Bubbles David Toop with John Butcher and Lucie Štěpánková | FOAMS, HEAPS, SPONGES, CLOUDS AND VORTEXES ConcertDavid ToopIgloosMario Merz
Watch Bubbles Nakul Krishnamurthy feat. Nandini Muthuswamy | Against Method FestivalMark FellPerformancePublic Program | Sheela ...RemainsSheela GowdaVideo
Watch Bubbles Lecture with Kaira M. Cabañas A Leaf-Shaped Animal Dra...Daniel Steegmann Mangran...Kaira M. CabañasLecturePublic Program | Daniel ...Video
Watch Bubbles Jave Calvert | Towards a collaborative sensorium Anicka YiMetasporePublic Program | Anicka ...Sensory EcologiesSymposiumVideo
Watch Bubbles Giorgio Andreotta Calò and Barbara Casavecchia | Traces of navigation Barbara CasavecchiaCITTÀDIMILANOConversationGiorgio Andreotta CalòPublic Program | Giorgio...Video