Read Bubbles Catalogue extract, text by Lucia Aspesi and Fiammetta Griccioli | Daniel Steegmann Mangrané A Leaf-Shaped Animal Dra...CatalogueDaniel Steegmann Mangran...Fiammetta GriccioliLucia Aspesi
Watch Bubbles On curving the time. Chiara Bersani in conversation with Lorenzo Giusti ConversationVideo
Watch Bubbles Coby Sey w/ Leisha Thomas and Momoko Gill | Live concert Milano Re-MappedSummer FestivalVideo
Watch Bubbles Mónica Bello | Artists as experimenters Anicka YiMetasporePublic Program | Anicka ...Sensory EcologiesSymposiumVideo
Watch Bubbles Russell Haswell | “….the Amplifying Gas” “....the Illuminating ...Cerith Wyn EvansPerformancePublic Program | Cerith ...Russell HaswellVideo