Watch Bubbles SPY. An Eye on Breath Ghosts Blind by Maurizio Cattelan Breath Ghosts BlindLorenzo Dal RiMatteo PitMaurizio CattelanVideoYuri Ancarani
Watch Bubbles Interview with Beatrice Merz and Vicente Todolí Beatrice MerzIgloosInterviewMario MerzVicente TodolíVideo
Watch Bubbles Studio Klarenbeek & Dros | Circular design and closed cycle production Anicka YiMetasporePublic Program | Anicka ...Sensory EcologiesSymposiumVideo
Watch Bubbles Drumming—Grupo de Percussão | Against Method FestivalMark FellPerformancePublic Program | Sheela ...RemainsSheela Gowda
Watch Bubbles Marco Senaldi | Lost in creation GDM – Grand Dad’s Vi...Laure ProuvostLectureMarco SenaldiPublic Program | Laure P...Video