Watch the video of the panel “Spaces and temporality of art:Â the moment is here?” moderated by Giovanna Amadasi (Pirelli HangarBicocca) part of the project “Milan Re-Mapped: culture, territory and citizenship” presented in UniversitĂ degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca on May 18 2022.
Took part to the panel:
Lucrezia Cippitelli, art curator, Lubumbashi Biennale (Democratic Republic of Congo); Professor in Aestheticsat Brera Academy of Fine Arts (Milan, Italy)
Hedwig Fijen (on-line), Manifesta (Amsterdam, Netherland)
Leutrim Fishekqiu and Vatra Abrashi, Autostrada Biennale (Prizren, Kosovo)
Izabela Anna Moren, Studio Rizoma (Palermo, Italy)
Alessandro Polo and Andrea Magnani, Altalena (Milan, Italy)