Watch Bubbles Lucia Pietroiusti | Nel sottobosco del sottobosco A Leaf-Shaped Animal Dra...Daniel Steegmann Mangran...LectureLucia PietroiustiPublic Program | Daniel ...SymposiumVideo
Watch Bubbles Joseph Grima | On Space Time Foam: a conversation ConversationJoseph GrimaOn Space Time FoamPublic Program | Tomás ...Tomás SaracenoVideo
Watch Bubbles Interview with Daniel Steegmann Mangrané A Leaf-Shaped Animal Dra...Daniel Steegmann Mangran...InterviewVideo
Read Bubbles Exhibition guide | Maurizio Cattelan Breath Ghosts BlindExhibition guideMaurizio Cattelan
Watch Bubbles Interview with Céleste Boursier-Mougenot Céleste Boursier-Mougen...from here to earInterviewVideo
Watch Bubbles Silvia Bignami and Giorgio Zanchetti | Fontana, the young artists, the Environments Ambienti/EnvironmentsConversationGiorgio ZanchettiLucio FontanaPublic Program | Lucio F...Silvia BignamiVideo