Watch Bubbles Interview with Ilya and Emilia Kabakov Ilya and Emilia KabakovInterviewThe Happiest ManVideo
Watch Bubbles Interview with Roberta Tenconi and Vicente Todolí | Bruce Nauman Bruce NaumanInterviewNeons Corridors RoomsRoberta TenconiVicente TodolíVideo
Watch Bubbles Trisha Baga | There’s no “I” in Trisha, season 2 Public Program | Trisha ...Sitcomthe eye the eye and the ...Trisha BagaVideo
Watch Bubbles Fedoua El Attari e Cheikh Fall | Reading with musical accompaniment into Dineo Seshee Bopape exhibition ConferenceDineo Seshee BopapePublic Program | Dineo S...
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Read Bubbles Catalogue extract, text by Roger Nelson | Thao Nguyen Phan CatalogueReincarnations of ShadowsThao Nguyen Phan
Watch Bubbles Marcello Ghilardi | Other spaces, other times. Forms of aesthetics between Europe and China Chen ZhenLectureMarcello GhilardiPublic Program | Chen Zh...Short-circuitsVideo