Watch Bubbles Enrico Crispolti | Lucio Fontana and the space: paintings, sculptures, Environments Ambienti/EnvironmentsConferenceEnrico CrispoltiLucio FontanaPublic Program | Lucio F...Video
Watch Bubbles Drumming—Grupo de Percussão | Against Method FestivalMark FellPerformancePublic Program | Sheela ...RemainsSheela Gowda
Watch Bubbles Virginia Genta | Improvisation for Amplified Sopranino Sax Milano Re-MappedSummer FestivalVideo
Read Bubbles Catalogue entries In Pursuit of and Tree Line | Sheela Gowda CatalogueRemainsSheela Gowda
Watch Bubbles Nakul Krishnamurthy feat. Nandini Muthuswamy | Against Method FestivalMark FellPerformancePublic Program | Sheela ...RemainsSheela GowdaVideo