Watch Bubbles Simon Groom | Kishio Suga in context ConversationPublic Program | Kishio ...Simon GroomSituationsVideo
Listen Bubbles Special guided tour with Hou Hanru and Marco Scotini | Chen Zhen Chen ZhenConversationHou HanruMarco ScotiniPublic Program | Chen Zh...Short-circuits
Watch Bubbles Singing performance Ombra Solida Chiamare a radunoChiara CamoniPerformancePublic Program | Chiara ...Video
Watch Bubbles Interview with Cristina Iglesias Cristina IglesiasDouble Bind & AroundInterviewJuan MuñozVideo
Read Bubbles Catalogue extract, text by Roger Nelson | Thao Nguyen Phan CatalogueReincarnations of ShadowsThao Nguyen Phan