Watch Bubbles part wild horses mane on both sides | Sound performance PerformancePetrit HalilajPublic Program | Petrit ...Space Shuttle in the Gar...Video
Watch Bubbles Barbara Mazzolai | From Nature to Nature Anicka YiMetasporePublic Program | Anicka ...Sensory EcologiesSimposioVideo
Watch Bubbles Russell Haswell | “….the Amplifying Gas” “....the Illuminating ...Cerith Wyn EvansPerformancePublic Program | Cerith ...Russell HaswellVideo
Watch Bubbles Oliver Bulas e Felix Luna | Bar do Amanhã A Leaf-Shaped Animal Dra...Daniel Steegmann Mangran...Felix LunaLectureOliver BulasPublic Program | Daniel ...SimposioVideo